Truck logistics
Our customer is a Belgian logistics company specializing in transporting temperature-controlled transport. Examples of such products are bakery products, dairy, flowers, medical transport and seafood.
CUSTOMER NEEDSWith millions of dollars at stake, any loss due to cold transport or logistics issues can be costly. For our customer to transport cargo smoothly and safely, they needed a cost-effective way to monitor for calamities and ensure products are safe to use. With so many things that could derail a shipment, our customer wanted to be empowered to be able to act quickly should issues arise.
There is a myriad of risks that could arise during the cold chain. Therefore, it is essential to minimize risks where possible. In the case of our customer, the biggest risk lies in the potential failure to maintain the integrity of the cold chain. If the refrigeration unit should fail, it may result in an entire delivery being spoiled. Thus, it is of the utmost that the driver of the vehicle is instantly notified of any malfunction as soon as it becomes apparent. If the temperatures in the transport area rise, something must be done before the values verge outside their critical parameters.
SOLUTIONSKCS TraceME delivered a solution that would give our client increased control and insight over the condition of the truck’s integrity, and by extent of the status of perishable goods throughout their long-haul journeys. By implementing TraceME in the refrigerated truck several sensors (temperature, door switches, camera’s, tachograph, navigation systems, etc.) were connected to optimise the logistic chain.
BENEFITSSince implementing TraceME, our client was able to make eliminate food safety risks and ensure a smooth cold chain thanks to the ability to execute immediate countermeasures in the event of a glitch or breakdown. Our client also received additional benefits from the extra insights from real-time geolocations and status of the complete fleet, as well as delivery timeline notifications and driver identification. Across the whole, there was an increase in cold chain efficiency and productivity, reduced operational costs, and increased customer satisfaction.