Smart city management : Street Signs

As a total provider in road safety, signage and street scenes, our customer creates solutions for sustainable and cost-efficient public space. This could be traffic signs or signposts, but also waste bins and street furniture.
CUSTOMER NEEDSWith its extensive portfolio of data, knowledge, products, systems, services and concepts, our customer wants to contribute to a safe and comfortable public space. One of the initiatives to upgrade existing traffic signs with and other static objects with sensors, making these 'smart traffic signs' communicative. Thanks to this digital database, the platform helps to keep tabs on the current traffic situation and makes it possible to register temporary traffic measures, such as road works or at events, and communicate these to mobile traffic services on the road.
SOLUTIONThe national Dutch LoRa network and TraceME sensor technology work together to make objects in public space smart and enables them to be used for various practical applications. By integrating various internal sensors and communication technologies, advanced software and very low-energy consumption, the TraceME N1C2 proves to be a great 'smart' building block for the construction of a national traffic sign database. This small track & trace device is designed in a robust housing which protects it against extreme weather conditions and vandalism.
BENEFITSThe innovation of smart traffic signs contributes to road safety and is seen as a step towards sustainability and numerous smart solutions. Making the public outdoor space intelligent makes it possible to efficiently and effectively manage outdoor assets, and thus manage budgets and determine replacement.